“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”
Martin Luther King Jr
At St Chad’s, everything we do is driven by our vision of ‘Learning to Love and Loving to Learn. We inspire our pupils to engage in a lifelong journey of learning through teaching them the skills of a historian while providing them with a rich knowledge base to build on. Our 5Cs of community, collaboration, creativity, communication and curiosity ensure that our history curriculum uses knowledge of the past to understand the present and to work towards building a positive future where our pupils understand that they have a responsibility to be a positive participant in our global community.
A solid understanding of chronology is essential to meaningful study of History as it allows pupils to place their understanding of a topic within the context of their prior knowledge. It allows them to construct a clear narrative of events in the past and compare and contrast between time periods and locations. As a result, they are able to draw connections between the events of the past, the modern day and the future ahead. Therefore, chronology is the golden thread that underpins all off our historical learning in St Chad’s from EYFS to year 6.
Community is one of our key curriculum drivers as it is an essential part of our vision of ‘Learning to Love’. Only by understanding how our local, national and international communities have developed, can our pupils appreciate diversity, consider their role in society and understand the challenges of our time. Through study of ancient civilisations, the children explore what factors allowed these peoples to prosper and the influence they have had on our culture today. We study key changes that have taken place in our society, significant people who have fought for these changes and the impact these have had on our lives today, thus inspiring the pupils to take action in shaping the future society that they would like to see. Through this study, we consider how the well-being and safety of members of our community has developed in creating a more inclusive and supportive democratic society, and the next steps in providing this for all.
Invading and Settling
In understanding what it means to ‘be British’, we believe it is essential to teach the children about the multiple influences that been brought together in the society we know today and the part that invaders and settlers have had in creating this. Similarly, it is important to establish the role our settling and invading has had on other cultures. As we study the reasons and methods of multiple invaders, the pupils are able to draw comparisons and identify the legacies of these time periods. This is essential in pupils understanding how our current community has been shaped and the challenges of their time.
Exploration and Industry
The study of exploration and technological advances helps to broaden pupils’ horizons beyond what they perceive to ‘be possible’ and exposes them to the lives and achievements of those who have managed to shape the future through their ingenuity. However, part of this study is also looking at the cost of such exploration and industrial development, both human and physical, as we aim to develop the pupils into considerate and empathetic members of the global community. Through this, the pupils gain a better understanding of current situations that they see in the news and a more rounded understanding of words like ‘empire’ and ‘independence’.